Experts Encourage Movement to Improve Mental Wellbeing Amid Increase in Waiting Lists

According to charity MIND - Over 2 million people are waiting for NHS mental health services

Author: Rebecca QuarmbyPublished 16th May 2024

Mental health charity MIND are launching their new campaign 'NoMindLeftBehind this week as part of mental health awareness week.

They're urging the government to make sure everyone can acess support when they need it

It's after over 2 million people are waiting for NHS mental health services.

Jack Moore is from East Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire MIND, he said:

"By getting moving, it can reduce stress levels, less anxiety and depression and it can overall make us feel better.

“We don’t necessarily have to go to the gym every day, it’s little things that we can do in our lifestyle to get active and improve how we’re feeling.

“The 'NoMindLeftBehind campaign is all about raising awareness and vital funds to support our mental health services across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire.”