Restaurant Worker Facing Lengthy Jail Sentence After Rape Attack

Frenchman Alain Climent wanted his victim to marry him, as he thought she wouldn't be able to give evidence against him

Published 9th Dec 2014

A French restaurant worker who proposed to a woman that he repeatedly raped is facing a lengthy prison sentence. Despicable Alain Climent,50, wanted the female to marry him so she wouldn't be able to give evidence about how he abused her. The High Court in Edinburgh heard how Climent asked his victim after sexually assaulting her at a location in Lanarkshire in November 2013. He had appeared in court on the rape charge two days after the charge. A sheriff granted him bail on the condition he didn't contact her. But he ignored the court order and subjected the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, to a terrifying campaign of terror.

The court heard how he hid in a loft at the woman's home in March 2014 and jumped on her when she returned to the property. Climent, originally of Paris, then raped her for a second time. The court also heard that he then sexually assaulted the woman on another occasion one month later. Eventually Climent was brought to justice by police who launched an investigation into his activities.

They also charged him with raping two other women, aged 48 and 49, at various locations across Scotland. On Tuesday, Climent's reign of terror came to an end after a jury convicted him on rape, sexual assault and assault charges. He was also convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice, breaching the peace and repeatedly breaching bail.

He was acquitted of raping and sexually assaulting the two other females, who also cannot be named. The crown alleged these attacks took place in the Dundee area between August 2003 and September 2009 - but a jury found there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. But they found there was enough evidence to convict him of repeatedly raping and sexually assaulting the 52-year-old woman in Lanarkshire. Climent, a prisoner of HMP Addiewell in West Lothian, denied any wrong doing during his trial.

But his victim told of how Climent first raped her at an address in a Lanarkshire village in November 2013. He was arrested and appeared in court two days following the attack. A sheriff granted him bail on the condition that he didn't approach the woman.

But Climent simply ignored the order. In March 2013, he went to a house where the woman was staying and hid in a loft there. When she arrived home, Climent jumped on top of the woman before raping her. In April 2014, Climent sexually assaulted the woman at a location in Lanarkshire. He also physically assaulted her.

The court also heard that he was also terrified of being jailed and attempted on various occasions to stop the woman from giving evidence against him. On one occasion, he asked the woman to marry him. Climent did this because he thought that wives couldn't give evidence against their husbands. The woman told the court: "He said he was not supposed to be near me but he said he was willing to take the risk. "He had asked if I would withdraw the statement to the rape and sexual assault. "He said that if he had to go to court he would lose contact with his family."The woman also told the court that Climent told her to contact his lawyer. He supplied her with his solicitor's name. She added: "He said that if there was to be a court case, I would have to watch my back." However, the woman did not agree to Climent's outrageous demands and police managed to bring him to justice. During proceedings, Climent denied attacking the female. Giving evidence, he said: "I know I have not done these crimes. I have never raped anybody."However, a jury refused to believe him.

Judge Lord Glennie deferred sentence on Climent to obtain reports about his character. But he warned the kitchen porter to expect a lengthy custodial sentence. Placing Climent on the Sex Offenders Register, Lord Glennie added: "You have been convicted of a number of serious offences. I am going to adjourn sentencing for reports which will allow me to form a view as to what the most appropriate sentence should be."Climent will be sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh on January 8 2014.