Shock of Bin Lorry Tragedy

Scotland reacted with shock and horror after Christmas shoppers were knocked to their deaths in an accident that "could hardly be more tragic''.

Published 22nd Dec 2014

Scotland reacted with shock and horror after Christmas shoppers were knocked to their deaths in an accident that could hardly be more tragic''.

Glasgow City Council leader Gordon Matheson described the road crash which saw an out-of-control bin lorry strike pedestrians in the heart of the city days before Christmas as a terrible tragedy'', while Glasgow Archbishop Philip Tartaglia said hisheart broke'' for those caught up in the incident.

Mr Matheson said: ''This is a terrible tragedy and our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected, particularly the families of those who have lost their lives.

Archbishop Tartaglia said: I was shocked and horrified to hear the news of this incident.My heart breaks for all those who have been directly caught up in it as they go about their business just a few days before Christmas in the centre of Glasgow.

The circumstances could hardly be more tragic. I would ask any person of faith to pray for those who have died and their relatives and those who have been injured.''

Glasgow Lord Provost Sadie Docherty said: This is shocking and upsetting. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those affected by this terrible incident.''

Political leaders in Scotland and at Westminster also expressed their shock and paid tribute to the emergency services.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: ''My thoughts with everyone involved in dreadful George Square incident. If you are in city centre, please let your relatives know you are OK.''

Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy said: We don't yet know the full extent of this tragedy, but my thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved.People in Glasgow and across the whole of Scotland will be mourning this loss of life so close to Christmas. No words will be able to do justice to the pain the families involved will be feeling this evening.

I want to pay tribute to our emergency services, who are performing heroics in the worst of circumstances. They will have the admiration of every Glaswegian and all Scots.''

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said: This is a terrible tragedy, right in the heart of Scotland's biggest city.No-one expects that ordinary people, out to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, would fail to make it home.

Everyone's thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones today.Glasgow's response has been magnificent. Passers-by immediately tried to help the injured, to direct traffic and assist the emergency services.

Those emergency workers showed huge professionalism treating the wounded, securing the site and making sure people stayed safe.

Glasgow has pulled together in recent times during such senseless tragedies, and we've seen it do so again today.'' The tragedy struck barely a year after the Clutha Bar helicopter crash in the city. Ten people died when a police helicopter crashed on to the roof of the pub on November 29 last year.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: ''I'm being kept fully briefed on the major incident in Glasgow. My thoughts are with the families of those involved and the emergency services.''

Labour leader Ed Miliband said: ''Terrible news from Glasgow - my thoughts are with all those affected by this horrific accident.'' Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: ''I share Scotland's deep shock at the horrible events in Glasgow this afternoon.

''On the eve of the festive period, these are unimaginable scenes in one of the busiest parts of our largest city. ''My thoughts are with the bereaved, the emergency services dealing with the aftermath and everyone affected by this terrible incident.''

Labour's shadow Scottish secretary Margaret Curran MP said: This is a tragedy that will be felt not just in Glasgow but across the whole country. Everybody in Scotland will keep the families of those who have died in their thoughts and prayers.

Details of exactly what happened will emerge over the coming hours and days. In the meantime, it is important that our emergency services are given all the support they need.''