Two men in hospital after attack in Paisley

Two men have been attacked in Paisley on Saturday 27 January 2018.

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 27th Jan 2018

Around 10am Police were called to a report of two men being seriously assaulted by two other men wearing dark coloured clothing at a property in Canal Terrace.

A 28 year old man was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital for treatment, and a 29 year old man was also taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Medical staff say both are in a stable condition.

Detectives are appealing for anyone with information to come forward, and enquiries are underway to establish the full circumstances of the incident.

Detective Inspector Ian Ross from Paisley CID said: 'Two men have been viciously attacked in broad daylight and it is absolutely vital that we trace the individuals responsible.

'I would appeal to anyone who was in the area of Canal Terrace around 10am who may have seen or heard a disturbance, or noticed two men acting suspiciously, to please get in touch.

'Anyone with information is asked to contact Paisley CID via 101, quoting incident number 1289 of Saturday 27 January 2018. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPERS on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.