Ardstraw Parent & Toddler Group

The children at the Ardstraw Parent & Toddler Group are looking forward to playing with their new toys thanks to Cash for Kids/

Published 15th Feb 2013

The Ardstraw Parent & Toddler provides support and activities for children aged up to 4years old who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as children who are disabled, have learning difficulties or have poor social skills. The group runs various activities such as arts and crafts for the children to take part in on a regular basis. These much needed activities mean the children are able to learn, play and interact with one another which increases their engagement and allows them to socialise with each other.

Cash for Kids have been able to provide Ardstraw Parent & Toddler group with new equipment and fun toys for the children to play with. In addition to this we were able to provide new seating tables and new sanitary and baby changing equipment.