WATCH: Will Ant pay £50,000 or put on his rival's football shirt

The star attended a local charity event

Published 20th May 2016

Hilarious footage has emerged of die hard Newcastle United supporter Ant McPartlin refusing to put on a Sunderland shirt at a recent charity event in Newcastle.

The TV presenter was put to the task by ITV presenter Jeremy Kyle after he asked him to either donate £50,000 to charity or put on the shirt of his rival team with his name on the back.

Of course, being the true Geordie supporter that he is, Ant refused to wear the shirt despite being cheered on by the crowd, co presenter Declan Donnelly and Newcastle United legend, Alan Shearer.

Watch the hilarious clip below:

The footage has since been shared thousands of times on social media.

The event took place at the Newcastle Gateshead Hilton Hotel earlier in the week to help raise funds for the Children’s Heart Unit the Newcastle Freeman Hospital.

Geordie duo Ant and Dec seemed to get in full spirit for the fundraiser and shared a snap of themselves taking part in a Jersey Boys tribute act.

The boys thanked the audience for their generosity and deemed the event ‘A really fun evening’.