Doug Beattie to remain leader of UUP following 'unanimous' support

Doug Beattie
Author: Sasha WyliePublished 25th Jan 2022

Doug Beattie will remain in charge of the Ulster Unionist party following 'unanimous' support from the party.

Mr Beattie has faced accusations of misogyny and racism over the content of tweets posted before he entered political life.

The Upper Bann MLA conceded the posts were "horrendous and horrific" - but denied being racist or misogynistic.

Doug Beattie

He met with party MLAs and the chairman today over his future at the party.

Doug Beattie said: "I have had detailed conversations with all of my MLAs, I apologised for what I had done directly to each one of them and then I spoke (about) whether or not I still had their support to remain as party leader - overwhelmingly every one of them said 'yes, I did'.

"So I have support from my MLAs.

"But I also spoke with party officers and the party chairman about party officers who also had a discussion around the issue and I have support also from party officers."

Mr Beattie said the support was "unanimous".

He said conversations would continue with other UUP members over the historical tweets.

Defamation case

It was also announced today that DUP MLA Edwin Poots and his wife Glynis have issued defamation proceedings against embattled UUP leader Doug Beattie after he tweeted a joke about her that referenced a brothel.

Edwin Poots

Proceedings have also been initiated against Conservative MP and chair of Westminster's Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Simon Hoare, who retweeted Mr Beattie's joke.

Patrick Higgins, from Donnelly and Wall solicitors in Belfast, told the PA news agency that letters had been sent to both men seeking remedies for their actions.

"Today we instigated proceedings on behalf of Mrs and Mr Poots against Mr Beattie MLA and Mr Hoare MP, who published this tweet," he said.

"This post constitutes a grave and unwarranted attack on my clients' reputation.

"As a couple of 36 years, married for 33, it has caused my clients profound distress.

"As a lady who has recently retired after dedicating her life as a nurse to caring for terminally ill children, it is wholly inappropriate for any persons to make such comments and the publication has caused immense hurt to her, her husband and their family."