Liz Hurley reveals details of her nephew's brutal stabbing

Police are appealing for witnesses

Liz and Miles Hurley
Author: Anna Sky MagliolaPublished 12th Mar 2018

Actress Liz Hurley has revealed details of her nephew's brutal stabbing which happened last week in London. Her 21-year-old nephew Miles Hurley, and his friend also 21-years-old, were assaulted in south London last Thursday night, just before 9pm.

Taking to Twitter, Liz has appealed for witnesses to contact the police saying, 'My 21 year old nephew was repeatedly stabbed in a brutal attack in London on Thursday night. The police & hospital are being fantastic. Thank you for all your messages. It is an appalling time for him & our family. The police will be appealing for witnesses.'

Miles and his friend were chased by a gang who then stabbed them multiple times. As Liz then revealed in an Instagram post, Miles ended up losing 'more than four pints of blood.'

She went on to explain that luckily 'The deepest wound just missed severing his spine. By some miracle no vital organs were damaged.'

Sky News have reported a Metropolitan Police spokesman has confirmed the stabbing saying, "Police were called at 20.52 on Thursday, 8 March to Ascalon Street, SW8 following reports of a stabbing.

"Officers attended with the London Ambulance Service (LAS). A 21-year-old man was discovered with stab wounds to his back.

"Another man, also believed to be aged 21, was also found suffering from stab wounds."

The spokesman went on to confirm their conditions were "not life-threatening or life-changing", continuing,

"They are believed to have been attacked by a group of males who got out of a vehicle and assaulted them before fleeing the scene.

"A crime scene was put in place. Road closures were also in place but have since been lifted."