GALLERY: Netflix launch ‘We Rule’ Campaign supporting strong women on TV

Girl Power!

Women on Netflix shows
Published 28th Jul 2017
Last updated 28th Jul 2017

Throughout TV history it’s be the men who’ve ruled the roost, such as 24, Dexter and Sopranos, but with Netflix's 'We Rule' Campaign this could all change.

Speaking about the campaign VP of Original Series at Netflix, Cindy Holland said, "Half the world’s population are women, about half of our member base are women, and we think it’s only natural that we be providing programming that is particularly of interest to women."

She went on to explain how she thought that historically women had been under-represented, "we are seeing a real evolution in the business and a recognition that female audiences are important and worthy of real exploration creatively," she commented.

Here are some shows that are available on Netflix with some awesome, empowering female leads that "provide a really diverse and eclectic set of programming for our audiences’ eclectic tastes" according to Cindy.

From a doomsday cult to New York City

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

From a doomsday cult to New York City, Kimmy is thrown into a totally alien world when she is rescued from an underground bunker.

After finding her feet in the outside world, Kimmy supports her fellow former captives adjust to life, as well as helping her wacky employer Jacqueline as she navigates her new found freedom after her recent divorce.

GALLERY: Netflix launch ‘We Rule’ Campaign supporting strong women on TV
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You can catch these great shows and many, many more on Netflix including Stranger Things, the second season of the popular show will be released this year, you can watch the trailer here >>

We Rule