Are you a Netflix cheat?

Hands up!

Orange is the New Black
Published 15th Feb 2017
Last updated 16th Feb 2017

According to research conducted by the online streaming giant Netflix lots of couples cheat!

Don't worry though, it isn't cheating in the normal sense, this is Netflix cheating. Watching a programme without your significant other, knowing they want to watch it as well!

Are you guilty of that?

Santa Clarita Diet

Santa Clarita Diet © Netflix

Out of a massive sample of over 30,000 people from around the world it has been revealed that WE are a nation of cheaters - don't worry though, so are a lot of other countries.

In the UK a massive 81% of those who have Netflix cheated have done so multiple times. When the same people were asked if their partners have cheated on them, 64% believed their partners would never do that, so it sounds like someone is in denial!

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad © Netflix

Breaking Bad was one of the series most people would cheat with according to the research, with the temptation to binge-watch just too much for many. In the UK House of Cards and Orange is the New Black were also popular series which people would secretly watch before their partner.

When it came to the gender divide men were much more likely to cheat than women, choosing to do it when their other half was either out or even asleep! How could they?!

Most Netflix cheats were men under 40 and many even have their own Netflix account so their partner doesn't see the history.
