Climate change group planning further Edinburgh protests

Extinction Rebellion
Author: Hope WebbPublished 22nd May 2019

Climate change group 'Extinction Rebellion' has told Forth News it is planning more protests in Edinburgh.

Last month hundreds of campaigners caused chaos in the city centre when they occupied North Bridge for around five hours. 29 people were arrested as they demonstrated for more action on the issue.

Huge protests also took place for a number of days in London and the group have also been demonstrating outside BP's headquarters in Aberdeen.

There is no set date for another protest in the Scottish capital, but campaigner Kate Whitaker says there are no plans to stop protests: "I absolutely don't believe the momentum is going to die. I believe that everybody is going to keep going, the protests are going to keep happening, and these more creative forms of action are going to keep growing.

"We need system change, not just individual change. The climate crisis is being fueled by fossil fuel companies, by government's complicity with fossil fuels companies and the pursuit of profit over the well being of people and the environment we live in."