Rapist jailed for sex attacks on three women in Borders town

Miller was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh.
Author: Ally McGilvrayPublished 17th Aug 2023
Last updated 17th Aug 2023

A rapist who carried out sex attacks on three women in Peebles has today (Thursday) been jailed for ten-and-a-half years.

Stuart Young - who gave an address in Eyemouth - denied all the offences, which took place over a period of five years, dating back to 2016.

But the 41-year-old was found guilty following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.

In addition to the prison sentence, Young will also remain under supervision in the community for a further two years on his release.

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The court heard Young struck at the home of his first victim - a grandmother - in December 2016, after she offered to let him sleep on a sofa.

He subjected her to a sexual assault during which he threatened to rape her and exposed himself in her home.

He was also found guilty of attacking and raping a second woman in 2019 and 2020.

During the assaults, he committed a "degrading" act - too explicit to repeat - and put a pillow over her head, restricting her breathing - all to her injury and danger of life.

In April 2021, Young also sexually assaulted a third woman, who the court heard was just a teenager at the time.

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Young's defence agent, Iain McSporran KC, said his client continues to "emphatically protest his innocence", claiming the women were acting out of malice, personal grudge or a desire for compensation.

But Judge Lady Haldane, who presided over the case, said there was no evidence of that, adding that Young's behaviour showed "a pattern of serious sexual offending".

In addition to the jail term, Young was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for an indefinite period, and his name is to be added to a list of people unsuitable of working with vulnerable groups.

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