Derby celebrates Diwali for the first time since the lockdowns

The city has finally come together to mark the occasion

Author: Beth GavaghanPublished 4th Nov 2021

It has been smiles all round this week as the people of Derby have come together to celebrate the vibrant festival.

The occasion is known as 'the festival of lights' with the name itself meaning 'row of lighted lamps'. The event is typically celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists around the world, but in Derby people from all walks of life have been able to join according to the organiser of some of the events; The Executive Director at Artcore, Ruchitu Shaikh.

Coming together after Covid restrictions

The festival has been extra special this year with it being the first time it has been celebrated since the lockdowns. Ruchitu said:

"Diwali is all about the victory of light over darkness, it's about celebrating good over evil. It's about bringing love and peace within the community, especially with the times we have had in the last year and a half"

"It is even more so that we enjoy every moment... we've been working roughly around the past three weeks with people, creating lanterns and jars, decorating them. We had about 200 lanterns displayed and lit up."

While there has been a buzz of excitement as the community gets back to marking events in-person, some are still considering safety precautions as the pandemic goes on. Ruchitu added:

"We particularly feel it has to be left to individuals so not really restricting people to do or don't do anything in particular, but if people feel comfortable and they want to wear a mask then that's something that would be encouraged."

"It does make a difference when you're able to see a person and celebrate in a physical space... it's about celebrating joy and love."

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