Devon MP calls for Boris Johnson to quit as PM

Luke Pollard thinks Mr Johnson is 'unfit for office'

Luke Pollard thinks it's time for Boris Johnson to go
Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 11th Dec 2021

A Devon MP is calling for Boris Johnson to be removed as Prime Minister.

Labour's Plymouth Sutton and Devonport MP, Luke Pollard has written Conservatives representing the south west, asking stating the PM is 'unfit for office'.

It follows a turbulent week for Mr Johnson after revelations about alleged Christmas parties during lockdown and a fine over the refurbishment of the Number 10 flat.

He fears a breakdown in trust may lead to fewer people following the latest covid restrictions, as set out by Plan B this week.

Luke said:

"Boris Johnson is unfit for office. If reports are true, he has lied about the parties that took place in Downing Street. While people were stopped from saying goodbye to their loved ones, staff in Downing Street held numerous parties. It is simply untenable for there to be one rule for Boris Johnson and his chums and another for everyone else.

"At a time of national emergency, we need a Prime Minister that commands respect, has moral authority, and tells the truth. So I am asking my Conservative colleagues and friends in the South West: put our region and out country before your Party, and remove Boris Johnson as your leader. Britain deserves so much better than Boris Johnson.”

However, Mr Pollard will be voting in favour of Plan B when it goes to a vote in the Commons on Tuesday (14 December).

Whilst he's critical of the Prime Minister's handling of the pandemic, he feels some tighter restrictions may be necessary. In a statement he said: “It’s clear to me that the prime minister brought forward the announcement about the new covid restrictions to try and cover up for his shambolic decisions to lie through his teeth about the Downing Street Christmas party.

“But we do need to take serious steps to protect ourselves because of increasing cases of the Omicron variants.

“Everyone should be double-jabbed, booking their booster, wearing a face mask and taking steps to look after – especially – the most vulnerable in our society.

“This is a really important time where, if we take the right steps now, we can make a really big difference in saving lives.

“So despite the prime minister’s antics, we should listen to his words on covid and take steps to protect ourselves.”

Devon Conservative MPs Simon Jupp (East Devon), Anne Marie Morris (Newton Abbot) and Anthony Mangnall (Totnes) have said they will not be supporting the new measures when parliament votes next week.

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