Emergency meeting called to discuss concerns over Exeter bus service

The Leader of the City Council Phil Bialyk says 'new ways of thinking are needed'

Author: Sophie SquiresPublished 16th Mar 2022
Last updated 16th Mar 2022

An emergency Highways meeting has been called to discuss what has been described as 'poor levels of performance' from Exeter's bus service.

City Council Leader Phil Bialyk said he supported the call for Devon County Council - as the transport authority - to hold a special meeting of the Exeter Highways Committee.

The meeting will be with bus operators, including Stagecoach, and Exeter councillors, and will take questions and evidence from residents and campaigners.

Cllr Bialyk said residents are 'paying the price of poor service' and new ways of thinking are needed on how the city can improve the situation going forward:

"It’s clear that something must be done to improve our local buses.

"Exeter is the economic hub of Devon, and our vision for a thriving growing sustainable city, must include first class public transport, that is fundamentally based on a reliable, affordable, accessible bus service."

Cllr Phil Bialyk - Leader of Exeter City Council

The date of the meeting is yet to be confirmed.

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