How Pete The Poet is tackling growing levels of racism using music, poetry and drama

Levels of racism among primary school pupils in the West Country is on the increase.

Pete The Poet teaching pupils, pre-pandemic
Author: Andrew KayPublished 14th Oct 2020

That’s according to Pete The Poet who teaches diversity in schools across Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire - to help break down barriers and promote inclusivity.

Pete uses drama, poetry and music to challenge perceptions and has been speaking to us as part of October’s black history month.

He said: "I come across children who voice racist attitudes from time to time.

"They're quickly corrected, because these views perhaps come from parents or older brothers and sisters.

"Children change throughout the creative process, so it could be an interactive story that takes us on a magic carpet ride around the world. That's wonderful for younger children.

"It could be looking at the stories of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, people who have changed the world and those stories are tremendously moving."

For more about Pete and his work click here