Dorset charity appeals for volunteers or it faces closure

The Steve Charles Help A Friend Fund is on the brink

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 31st Aug 2022

A Dorset charity, set up in memory of a Dorchester musician, is facing the threat of closure if they can’t find more volunteers.

The Steve Charles Help a Friend Fund aims to help people with ill health access facilities, services and equipment that's not normally provided by the authorities.

The charity currently only has four members on its committee and is hoping for more interest to come from their AGM tonight (Wednesday 31st August) to keep the charity running.

For Secretary Theresa Critchell losing the charity would be a big lose for the community:

“It would be devastating because we do monthly have people apply and say can you help us.

“If we’re not there and with so many other places now closing down I really wouldn’t want this charity to go as well.

Theresa says that over the past two years the remaining committee members have done their best to try to keep the charity running. But due to the limited numbers they’ve not been able to fundraise:

“It’ll be such a shame for the charity to have to close because we’ve done our best to keep it going in the last two years. We just need people in there to help us.

Theresa knows first hand just how the charity can help:

“We became involved as beneficiaries when my granddaughter was diagnosed with cancer at a very young age.

“The charity was there for myself and family. So we just felt now that she’s fit and well, we should be there to help other people in need as we were at the time”.

The AGM is being held today at the Dorset Carers Hub in Dorchester (DT1 1DQ) at 8.00pm.

The committee are encouraging anyone who is interested or may be able to help to attend.

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