Medical emergency on Eype Beach

An air ambulance was called to the area.

Author: George SharpePublished 6th Jul 2021

A woman's been treated for a medical emergency on Eype Beach.

West Bay Coastguards, South Western Ambulance and Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance crews were called to the area on Monday at 3:44pm.

Paramedics located the woman and care was provided by the ambulance team on the ground.

The casualty was assisted from the beach and back to the waiting ambulance at the Eype car park.

A spokesperson for West Bay Coastguard Rescue Team said:

"Thankfully, the Air Ambulance was not required and was stood down by the ambulance team on the ground.

"We wish the casualty a full and speedy recovery.

"Have a great time on the coast this summer. But If you find yourself in difficulty, or if you see something that gives you cause for concern then do not hesitate."

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