Dumfries and Galloway hardest hit by police officer cuts

It's feared local communities will be the ones to suffer

Police officer numbers have dropped across Scotland since 2020.
Author: Neil PooranPublished 7th Nov 2023

Dumfries and Galloway's seen the sharpest drop in police officer numbers since March 2020 according to the Scottish Police Federation.

It's down 14% compared to 4.5% for the rest of Scotland.

The organisation's warning the "bond" with local communities could be lost as a result.

The organisation, which represents rank and file officers, was responding to research from the justice affairs magazine 1919 on how police numbers have changed around Scotland.

As of June 30 this year, Scotland had 16,600 full-time equivalent officers, including 12,193 assigned to one of Police Scotland's 13 local divisions.


Other areas recorded smaller decreases while numbers remained static in the Highlands and Islands division.

Scottish Police Federation general secretary David Kennedy said: "It damages the bond with communities.

"Community officers go to events, get to know children, the parents, and they get to know the criminals.

"This all makes a positive difference, but when you take it away the barriers come up and rather than policing by consent, it becomes a force rather than a service."

He added: "For the officers themselves, the eradication of the frontline means it's a struggle for them to get their annual leave and go to the events in the community that are so important.

"We're not a pro-active service anymore, it's just reactive, and that makes a difference in the longer term."

Budget constraints

In October, Police Scotland said it was postponing the intake of 200 probationary officers in January amid funding pressures.

Senior figures in the police service say compulsory redundancies may be necessary if further funding does not become available.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said the administration has invested more than £11.6 billion since the creation of the single force in 2013.

He said: "Police Scotland is a vital service which is why, despite difficult financial circumstances due to UK Government austerity, we have increased police funding year-on-year since 2016/17, with £1.45 billion being invested this year.

"There are over 350 more officers than in 2007 and around 1,480 new recruits have joined Police Scotland since the beginning of 2022.

"Scotland continues to have more police officers per capita than England and Wales and, following the agreed pay deal of 12 per cent over two years, our officers continue to be the best paid at all levels."

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