Rebecca Ferguson is asked to sing at Donald Trump's Inauguration Ceremony

She has agreed to sing under one condition

Published 3rd Jan 2017

Rebecca Ferguson is the latest artist to be asked to sing at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.

Despite many artists turning down the request, The X Factor star has released a statement on Twitter, saying that she will appear at the ceremony under one condition.

"I've been asked and this is my answer. If you allow me to sing 'Strange Fruit', a song that has huge historical importance, a song that was blacklisted in the United States for being too controversial," Rebecca wrote on Twitter.

"A song that speaks to all the disregarded and down trodden black people in the United States. A song that is a reminder of how love is the only thing that will conquer all the hatred in this world, then I will graciously accept your invitation and see you in Washington."

See her tweet below: