Footballing legend becomes ambassador for Cheltenham Hospice

Sir Geoff Hurst is the first ever ambassador for the Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court hospice.

Author: Isabel KimbreyPublished 10th Sep 2020
Last updated 29th Sep 2020

Sir Geoff Hurst, former England footballer and World Cup winner, has been appointed the very first ambassador for Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice in Cheltenham.

The 78-year-old remains the only man to score a hat-trick in a World Cup final, when England recorded a 4-2 victory over West Germany at Wembley Stadium in 1966.

Across a career spanning nearly 20 years, he played football professionally for West Ham, Stoke City and West Bromwich Albion.

Speaking of his appointment, Sir Geoff said: “I am delighted to accept the role of ambassador for Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice. Our daughter Claire was cared for by the Sue Ryder Nurses there in 2010 and so the hospice means an awful lot to me and my family.

''The expert nursing care and medical support that Claire received at Leckhampton Court meant that we could simply concentrate on being there for Claire as a family. The hospice is quiet and peaceful and the staff ensured that Claire's final days were as comfortable as possible.

"I'm looking forward to supporting the hospice and helping to promote the work of Sue Ryder.”

National healthcare charity Sue Ryder provides specialist palliative, neurological and bereavement support.

Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court cares for its inpatients at the hospice, as well as community nurse specialists bringing hospice to home across Gloucestershire.

Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court also provides a day hospice which helps people living with long term conditions to avoid unnecessary trips to hospital, as well as offering social opportunities alongside others experiencing similar circumstances.

Elise Hoadley, Director of Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have Sir Geoff on board as our first ambassador.

“We are looking forward to working together in the future in what I know will be a fantastic partnership.”