Rough sleeping has increased in Gloucestershire

Figures show an increase in the number of people rough sleeping in Gloucestershire over the past year.

Author: Rachael WhitePublished 29th Feb 2024

The number of people estimated to be sleeping rough on a single night, across England, in autumn 2023 was 3,898. This is a 27% increase on the previous year.

In Gloucester alone, government statistics estimate 19 people are sleeping on the streets every night.

Louise McKenzie, from homeless charity Gloucester City Mission, said: "The guys we work with we see in and out of homelessness.

"They're not supported to be in accommodation or the accommodation they're given doesn't work for them.

"When people are housed they're not given sufficient support, some people have been living on the street for many years and need support when they are put into accommodation or they will end up back on the street."

A Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities spokesperson said:

“We are now spending an unprecedented £2.4 billion to help people at risk of homelessness and support rough sleepers, including £220 million announced just yesterday, which will help fund thousands of beds and specialist support services across the country through councils.

“Whilst we have made good progress and rough sleeping remains below pre-pandemic levels, there is more work to be done to meet our ambition to end it entirely and we will continue to work with local authorities to help people off the streets for good.”

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