Norway wants to give a mountain to Finland

An online campaign has now been launched.

Published 22nd Dec 2015

There have been many unusual presents given between friends, collegues and even countries, but this is one of the more unusual presents.

A group of Norweigans are proposing giving a mountain to neighbouring Finland.

The Halti mountain range is on the border between Finland and Norway and the entire range, apart from the highest summit lies in Finland.

Back in 1972 Bjørn Geirr Harsson, a former chief engineer of the Norwegian Mapping authority came up with the idea when he was surveying the mountain range from a helicopter.

However it was only recently when he heard that 2017 marks the 100th year of Finland's independence that he decided to act.

“We would not have to give away any part of Norway. It would barely be noticeable,” he told Norwegian broadcaster NRK last week. “And I’m sure the Finns would greatly appreciate getting it.”

Sondre Lund, 25 from Trondheim, Norway read about Bjørn's idea on Reddit and set up a to support the idea, the page now has over 10,000 likes

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While the idea of giving a mountain does seem a bit absurd, it has also been acknowledged by the Finnish Embassy on Twitter.

Below are a few unusual gifts from one country to another:

France to USA Statue of Liberty

UK to USA The Resolute desk (Oval Office)

China to Costa Rica National Stadium of Costa Rica

USA to UK Statue of Abrahma Lincoln (now in Parliament Square)

Norway to UK Glacial Erratic Stone (Hyde Park)