Police appealing for information after men injured in fight in Liverpool city centre

One man suffered a broken leg, whilst another sustained an injury to his buttock

Author: Adam FawcettPublished 26th Jun 2023

Police are appealing for information after two men were injured during a fight in Liverpool city centre.

Officers were called to a disturbance at Legends Bar on Mathew Street at around 7.50pm on Saturday.

One 29 year old man suffered a broken leg, and remains in hospital, with another sustaining an injury to his buttock.

A 25 year old man from Belfast and a 39 year old man from Wirral were both arrested on suspicion of affray, and have been bailed pending further enquiries.

A 29 year old man remains under arrest on suspicion of public order offences.

Detective Inspector Katie Coote said: “I would ask anyone who was in the area of Mathew Street on Saturday night who saw anything or captured anything significant on their mobile phone to contact us.

“We simply will not tolerate such violence on our streets. Liverpool is one of the safest cities in the UK – it has been awarded Purple flag status for over a decade and you are far more likely to enjoy a safe and enjoyable night out than witness or experience appalling incidents such as this."

Anyone with information can contact Merseyside Police on 101, or via twitter.

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