City of London Police "requires improvement" at tackling serious crime

A recent inspection has found improvement is also needed at understanding drug markets

Author: Olivia MounsorPublished 19th May 2023
Last updated 19th May 2023

The City of London Police have been told they need to improve their understanding of drug markets, and the threat from modern slavery and human trafficking.

Thats according to inspectors, who found the force requires improvement at tackling serious and organised crime.

A report from the HMICFRS found an area of improvement needed in the force is around its understanding of drug markets and the threat from modern slavery and human trafficking.

It said the force accepts that gaps remain in its understanding of the threat from crimes other than economic crime and fraud.

These include drug markets, county lines and modern slavery and human trafficking.

The report said the force does not routinely ask frontline teams to collect intelligence about these threats and does not have enough staff to produce analytical profiles of these problems.

It also said that except for cybercrime, the force has recorded low levels of serious and organised crime disruption.

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