Teen convicted of fatal Tottenham knife attack

Ali Baygoren
Author: Louise EastonPublished 16th May 2023

A 16 year old who we cannot legally name has been convicted of a fatal knife attack in Tottenham in 2022.

The youth was on bail for another serious knife attack at the time of the stabbing, where he attacked 17 year old Ali Baygoren outside his home on June 18th.

At the scene Baygoren was found with knife wounds to his neck. Police officers administered CPR and medics attempted to save Ali, but despite their best efforts, he sadly died at the scene, which was the stairwell of a block of flats.

A jury at the Old Bailey deliberated for 20 hours to find the youth guilty by a majority of 10 to two of murder and having an article with a blade or point.

In relation to a previous attack where a 14 year old had been stabbed in the chest in north east London, but had survived, he was found guilty unanimously to wounding with intent, theft and having an article with a blade or point.

He was cleared of a further charge of having a second knife during the incident.

The defendant was remanded into custody to be sentenced on June 23.

Detective Sergeant James Robertson said: “Despite his young age, this defendant has a history of committing extreme violence and I am pleased that the jury was able to see the danger he poses.

“Ali Boygoren was the victim of a brutal and frenzied attack by the defendant and we may never know what triggered that attack. It saddens me to see another young man’s life so needlessly ended in our city.

“We know too well that the effects of losing a loved one to violence are devastating and can last a lifetime. My thoughts are very much with Ali’s family today.”

Detective Chief Inspector Neil Rawlinson, who led the murder investigation said: “Due to the devastation they bring to families and communities, people who carry knives can expect to feel the full force of the law.”

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