Road safety group urges caution after two fatal motorbike collisions in Devon

Two motorcyclists were killed in collisions within days in Devon

Author: Chris BakerPublished 15th Jul 2021

The chairman of a South West road safety group has urged caution among road users, after two motorcyclists were killed in collisions within days in Devon.

Earlier this week, police confirmed that a 51-year-old motorcyclist died after sustaining injuries in a collision in Plymouth city centre on 8 July.

Another biker sadly lost their life in a crash on the B3137 near Nomansland on the evening of 9 July.

Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, is chairman of the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership.

Commissioner Hernandez, who is also the national APCC lead on road safety, said:

"Every life lost on our roads is a tragedy and our thoughts are with the families and friends of those involved in these collisions.

"As the weather warms up this week, and with the summer holidays nearly upon us, far more motorcyclists will be out and about, exploring the roads of Devon and Cornwall.

"As motorists, it's our responsibility to make sure we are alert and looking out for other road users at all times - so please 'think bike' when you are out driving.

"Similarly, there may be many motorcyclists brushing off their bikes in the garage having not ridden them for some time. I would urge you to be cautious and take your time to re-familiarise yourselves with you motorbikes, as well as making sure they are in a roadworthy condition.

"As always, take your time with journeys, don't exceed the speed limit and let's make sure everyone arrives safely at their destination."