Nearly 690 affordable homes built across Wiltshire last year

That's more than the target set by Wiltshire Council

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 31st May 2022

688 affordable homes have been built in the Wiltshire Council area in the 2021/22 financial year - that's 6% more than the authority's annual target.

The properties are made available for local people in housing need, to keep them in the area they already live and/or work in.

Wiltshire Council's target for affordable homes, set out in the Local Plan is to deliver 13,000 between 2006 and 2026 - the equivalent of 650 per year.

A further 667 affordable homes have also been secured this year, as part of Section 106 agreements with developers, to make up a percentage of new housing developments.

Those homes will be created over the coming years, as developments are completed around the county.

After exceeding their affordable housing building target last year, Wiltshire Council's secured hundreds more properties to be constructed

Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council and Cabinet Member for Economic Development, said:

“We know just how important affordable housing is to our communities, and that’s why we’re working hard to deliver – and exceed – the targets set out in our Core Strategy.

“One of the key themes of our business plan is that residents have access to high quality affordable housing – and that’s why we’re investing in affordable homes and will continue to do so.

“The total of 688 affordable homes secured in the last financial year is a mix of homes provided by developers, registered providers and the council. The total is made up of affordable rented homes, shared ownership properties, and in the future will include first homes, so we can help to provide suitable properties based on local needs.

“However, we recognise that there is more to do to provide affordable homes for the people of Wiltshire, and that’s why we’re working to secure the affordable homes required through planning policies.

“It will always be a challenge to provide enough affordable homes to meet demand, but as an authority we are helping to build as much new housing stock as we can by working with the Wiltshire Housing Development Partnership – and we’ll continue to do so.”

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