Last chance to attend public event on 'transformational projects' for Salisbury

Council urges people to find out more about schemes

Published 7th Apr 2022

Today is the final opportunity for Salisbury residents to learn more about two big schemes designed to improve the city centre.

The 'transformational projects' focus on redesigning Salisbury train station and Fisherton Gateway -the road network along South Western Road and Fisherton Street.

Wiltshire Council has been money from the government's Future High Streets Fund towards the projects with £5.3m earmarked for the train station and £3.2m for improving Fisherton Street.

A public exhibition is taking place in the Guildhall today between 2.30pm to 6.30pm where you can discuss the proposals with members of the team and ask any questions they may have


The Salisbury Station project aims to make the front of our railway station 'more attractive and accessible for visitors and residents'.

It includes a different layout for things like passenger drop offs, more disabled parking spaces, a bigger shared use pathway linking the station to Mill Road and Churchfields along with a new crossing point, electric car charging bays and bike parking being tripled.

There'd be new landscaping, street lighting and bus shelters installed.

The plans for an upgraded Salisbury Station Forecourt

For the Fisherton Gateway, we can expect 'improvements to the road network and public spaces along South Western Road and Fisherton Street'.

That will include wider footpaths, artwork to disguise utility boxes, more cycle parking and extra benches.

Landscaping and improved pedestrian areas are aimed at making it safe and more convenient to get into the city centre from the train station.

The plans set out by Wiltshire Council for the Fisherton Gateway project

Two live public webinars were also recently held as part of the consultation which included a short presentation followed by a live Q&A session. People can view the recordings of each webinar on

Cllr Dr Mark McClelland, Cabinet Member for Transport, said:

“The consultation closes in just under two weeks and I would actively encourage Salisbury residents and businesses not to miss out on this opportunity. Please have a look at the proposals and take part in the consultation by either attending our last event and by completing the consultation survey to pass on your feedback. This feedback will be used to develop the detailed designs for these two schemes.

“These projects are designed to create a more welcoming and attractive Salisbury and supports the council’s plans for more vibrant city centres with a thriving economy . Visitors and residents will have a greater experience when visiting this modern medieval city, and that it encourages people to spend more time accessing the great range of shops, cafes and bars in the local area.”


We can complete the survey on the Wiltshire Council website.

You can also get a hard copy from the Bourne Hill Council offices, from libraries in Salisbury, Amesbury, Downton, Durrington or Wilton, or by calling Wiltshire Council customer services on 0300 456 0100.

The consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 19th April.

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