Father Christmas will be heading around Wilton tonight!

He's making a second visit to the town in a bid to bring some festive cheer

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 12th Dec 2020

Thanks to Wilton Rotary Club Santa will be making an early appearance in the town late today ( 12th December) - obviously checking out the routes ahead of the big day!

He'll start at 5pm from JAS hair, go down North Street along King Street, the Avenue, Wilton Hill, Erskine Park, Wilton Road, Quidhampton Minster Street, South Street, Bulbridge, Randalls Croft Downside, West street, Water Ditchampton, Wishford Road, Elizabeth Road, the hollows, Victoria Road, Shaftesbury road then back to North Street.

Last week Father Christmas did a similar route which delighted residents and children and we're told he'll be back again next Saturday too (19th).

President of Wilton Rotary Club, Peter Edge, said it's great to be able to make people smile.

"Santa's tour around Wilton last Saturday was a great success and the feedback was fantastic from happy children and adults. We look forward to seeing them all again for the next two Saturdays and anyone who missed last week."

Wilton Rotary Club has also launched Remember a Loved One.

The initiative enables those who have lost a loved one to sponsor a Memory whilst raising funds to help those in the community who have been impacted by Covid 19.

Donations can be made by filling in the forms available at Wilton Hardware and Reeve the Baker or online at www.virginmoneygiving.com/wiltonrotary

"At Wilton Rotary Club we understand that hardships are happening to everyone around us due to the Covid Pandemic especially at this time of year."

"It is important that we reflect this and try to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves especially in the run up to Christmas."

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