More than 170 vehicles caught speeding near Salisbury school in just three hours

Police say road conditions were wet

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 7th Jul 2022
Last updated 7th Jul 2022

A total of 174 vehicles have been caught exceeding the 30mph speed limit in just three hours on Downton Road into Salisbury.

Sgt Will Ayres from the Roads Policing Unit joined the Force’s camera enforcement officer last week on the A388 near Longford Primary School

In just over three hours 174 vehicles were recorded exceeding the 30mph limit and despite the rain and wet roads, one motorcyclist was recorded riding at 65mph, more than double the limit.

Of the vehicles caught exceeding the speed limit, 149 drivers will be offered a speed awareness course, 22 will be given a £100 fine and will receive three penalty points, and three drivers who exceeded 50mph will be reported to court.

Sgt Ayres said:

“This type of enforcement adds a different strand to the road safety strategy that Roads Policing and camera enforcement officers engage in daily on the roads of Wiltshire.

"As an RPU officer seeing the state of the art enforcement technology used and the ease it records evidence was great to see.

“RPU will continue to work and support the activities of the camera enforcement team as it expands.

“Road safety is at the heart of what we do on Roads Policing and this technology is also able to record and evidence other offences that contribute to the fatal five offences that Roads Policing officers target.”

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