Man jailed for drugs offences in Taunton

31-year-old Jacob Oliver Hawkins has been sentenced after pleading guilty to a number of offences in the town following his arrest last month

31-year-old Jacob Oliver Hawkins
Author: Oliver MorganPublished 17th Aug 2023

A man from Taunton has been jailed for 36 months after admitting possessing heroin and cocaine with intent to supply.

31-year old-Jacob Oliver Hawkins, who also admitted another drug offence, was arrested last month after an officer spotted a suspected drug deal in the town.

He will spend, concurrently, 24 months behind bars after admitting possessing ketamine with intent to supply it.

Hawkins, of Holway Avenue in the town, was sentenced last Friday (August 11) at Taunton Crown Court following an earlier guilty plea.

He was arrested on 12 July after a patrolling officer spotted a suspected drug deal on Priory Bridge Road, Taunton.

Officer in the case, PC Ryan Burr, said: “Drug supply and drug dealing have a huge impact on the lives of the people in the surrounding areas and local society.

"We will continue to target drug dealers and we are pleased that this individual has been given a custodial sentence.”

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