Teenager taken to hospital after "shocking attack" in Bridgwater

The girl was walking on the canal path near the Morrisons

Author: Olivia MounsorPublished 6th Jul 2023

Three men have been detained in connection with an assault in Bridgwater, which resulted with a teenage girl being taken to hospital.

The girl is receiving treatment for a cut to her neck, which police say isn't life-threatening or life-changing.

It happened on Wednesday evening (05/07) around 8pm.

A 26-year-old man was arrested from an address in the town within 20 minutes of the incident on suspicion of causing GBH wounding with intent.

The man was also later arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence following an incident in police custody in which an officer was verbally abused.

Two other men, aged 31 and 37, were also arrested from the same Bridgwater property on suspicion of assisting an offender.

Neighbourhood Inspector Michael Griffiths has called it a "shocking attack".

“Officers were on the scene within minutes and as a result quickly made a number of arrests"

“We’d like to reassure people we will carry out a thorough investigation into this incident, which we believe to be an isolated one.

“CCTV has already been reviewed and we have identified a number of witnesses who we will be taking statements from in due course.

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