Calls for Fleet pedestrianisation scheme to be scrapped

It comes less than three weeks since the temporary measures were brought in.

Author: Lettie BuxtonPublished 11th Sep 2020

A group of councillors in Hart are calling for the closure of Fleet high street to be removed.

The temporary measures were introduced less than three weeks ago, on Monday, 24 August.

The pedestrianisation scheme on Fleet Road was brought in to “enhance the visitor experience and ensure the safety of shoppers through social distancing”, according to a spokesperson for Hart District Council.

But, a motion has now been submitted to the council, calling for the scheme to be scrapped and the road reopened.

It reads:

"Despite great efforts and good intentions from all involved, it is now abundantly clear that the closure of Fleet high street has not been a success.

"The negative impact on residents particularly those living near the closure, of traffic congestion and the resulting pollution has not been outweighed by any appreciable benefits to businesses.

"This council therefore resolves to have the road closures removed and to reopen the high street as soon as is possible."

The motion will be debated on 24 September.

Hampshire county and Hart district councillor, Steve Forster said:

"What I have noticed is that the high street at the weekend was busier, but during the week seems to be a lot quieter and not many people are using the newly pedestrianised area.

"I feel sorry for some of the retailers because the idea of doing this is really good, but pedestrianisation doesn’t seem to be delivering the benefits.

"The vast majority of people I’ve spoken to do think that, despite the fact that there’s no plan B or an alternative scheme, this scheme is just not the right thing at the right time."

The spokesperson for Hart District added they are "closely monitoring the situation and reviewing feedback from residents and traders, and, if necessary, will adapt the scheme in response".

A proposed next stage of the scheme will see new features, including seating and planters.

Leader of Hart District Council, Councillor David Neighbour, said:

"We're just coming to the end of the third week, so let's not be too quick to either praise or condemn the experiment.

"I think we need to be guided by the evidence and obviously that takes some time to accrue.

"For every retailer that's not happy with it, there's one who's publicly very happy with it.

"Schemes like this are always going to be controversial.

"In an ideal world we would've had more time to consult widely with the public and make sure that the scheme, when it was implemented, was fit for purpose.

"Now, because we've had to do it quite quickly, it may be that certain aspects of the scheme are not quite fit for purpose and are not having the desired effect."

Full details about the scheme can be found online.

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