Watch: masked men try to smash their way into car during assault in Woking

The incident happened in the car park in Goldsworth Park Centre

Author: Grace McGachyPublished 16th Jul 2021

CCTV footage has been released after three masked men attacked a car during an assault in Woking.

Police say they were called to a car park in Goldsworth Park Centre at around 10pm on Saturday, 26 June following reports of assault and attempt robbery.

The victim was walking to his car when three men began to chase him carrying baseball bats and hammers.

When he got into his car the men smashed the windows leaving him with minor cuts.

He was then able to drive away.

The suspects were wearing balaclavas.

Two of them were wearing dark tracksuits and one was wearing a camouflage print hooded top.

Surrey Police are appealing to anyone who may recognise the men in the CCTV footage or have any further information to contact them quoting PR/45210067369.