Hampshire Police warning over lockdown breaches

Officers will act if they find people deliberately flouting regulations.

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 5th Nov 2020
Last updated 5th Nov 2020

Hampshire Police are urging us to follow the new regulations during the four week lockdown - warning officers WILL issue fines if they find deliberate breaches.

Assistant Chief Constable, Maggie Blyth, said they recognise people are "weary" of changes to the rules, and they recognise the impact of the pandemic and of lockdown on people's livelihoods.

However she said officers will act if they find anyone holding large gatherings and parties and events that put people at risk.

She said while officers will use encouragement and engagement to get people to comply with the new legislation, they "won't waste time" doing so for deliberate breaches:

"To the vast majority who have complied with restrictions throughout this year. I’d like to, again, say thank you and urge you to please carry on doing so to ensure that we do not lose the momentum and shared purpose that we have had so far.

"To the minority who feel that the restrictions do not apply to them, including those organising large gatherings and deliberately holding parties or events that put people at risk, please be aware that we are increasing our levels of enforcement in line with the threat that we are facing to people living in our communities, and to our NHS.

"We won’t waste time with endless encouragement for those who knowingly or deliberately break the rules.

"People recklessly ignoring the regulations should expect to receive a fixed penalty notice.

"It is only right that those who are putting others at risk should face consequences."

She has also asked that people do not ring up with questions about the new legislation so that the lines remain open for emergency calls.