'Lost Girl' mural appears in Camberley

The town has received a visit from street artist Hendog.

Author: Ellie CloutePublished 11th Dec 2022

A striking piece of artwork has been found in Camberley's town centre.

The mysterious street artist Hendog visited the town on December 1st 2022, and left an image of a young girl posting a picture of her missing bear.

The artwork can be found on Princess Way, and is part of a series, chapter 3 of the artist's series highlighting issues of homelessness.

The other chapters can be found in Winchester and Guildford.

Cllr Sarah Jane Croke, Portfolio Holder for Housing, Safeguarding & Support, SHBC said:

“This is a poignant and beautiful piece of art, and our thanks to Hendog for choosing Camberley to place this work. Homelessness is an important issue to raise awareness of, especially at this time of the year when the weather is getting colder.

“Please contact the Housing Solutions Team if you are aware of anyone sleeping rough in the Surrey Heath area - email housing@surreyheath.gov.uk(link sends e-mail)

“You can also report people believed to be rough sleeping at the Street Link(link is external) (link is external) website which then sends details to the Local Authority or outreach service where the person has been seen.”

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