Surrey Police's Road Safety Team have got more staff and are on a mission to stop dangerous drivers

The team have given out 660 traffic offences in the last 5 months

Author: Frankie GoldingPublished 21st Nov 2022

Surrey Police's Road Safety Team are increasing their presence in the county following a successful operation over the last 5 months.

In this time, officers have given out 660 traffic offences - all when working at around half their staffing capacity.

Now the Road Safety Team - also known as the Vanguard Team - have doubled in size to reach capacity and hoping to stop more dangerous drivers than ever before this Winter.

Drivers in the Surrey area are being warned that the Police are on a look out to stop people committing actions included in the 'fatal five' - the leading contributory factors in collisions.

The 'fatal five' are as followed: inappropriate speed, not wearing a seatbelt, driving under the influence of drink or drugs, distracted driving - such as using a mobile phone behind the wheel and careless driving.

Fee Baker is the Partnership manager for Surrey and Sussex Safer Roads.

She said: "We can't ignore that last year on average 5 people a day die on the roads of the UK, 26,000 people were injured with life-changing consequences.

"Our team will go out and target people who are at risk of committing these offences on the road.

She has this message for unsafe drivers: "We can't be everywhere, but we could be anywhere.

"Police officers utilise everything. If members of the public are using a particular piece of equipment to get around, you can be assured that the Vanguard Team has the same.

"But as long as you're abiding by the rules, you'll have nothing to worry about."

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