Surrey Police track down man who threatened to kill ex-partner ‘thanks to police dog’

Isla tracked him to where he was hiding.

Published 7th Sep 2020

A 38-year-old man from Ashstead has been arrested after threatening to kill his ex-partner and stalking her.

Officers were searching for the man in the early hours of Thursday morning (3 September).

The suspect was believed to be hiding in undergrowth after his BMW was located in a rural car park close to the victim’s home address.

Police dog Isla was deployed and located the man approximately 200 metres away from the car park, in the direction of the victim’s home address, where he was hiding in thick bushes.

Isla stayed with the man and remained focussed until further units arrived and arrested the man.

Police constable Drake who is Isla’s handler, said: “Without Isla’s incredible sense of smell and dedication, it may have been some time before we managed to track down the location of this man, who posed as a real danger to the victim involved.

“Isla located the man 200 metres away from his vehicle in thick undergrowth, and continued barking until the suspect made himself known.”