Duchess of Cambridge launches childhood development survey in Birmingham

Kate is beginning a 24-hour tour of the UK to ask "five big questions on the under fives"

Author: Mitch RushtonPublished 22nd Jan 2020
Last updated 22nd Jan 2020

She has described the early years development of children as life's most "crucial'' moment for "future health and happiness'' as she launched a landmark national survey about the issue.

Kate has made the subject one of the main pillars of her public work and travelled to Birmingham to highlight her ambitious project to ask "five big questions on the under fives'' which will guide her future work.

The online poll, conducted by Ipsos Mori on behalf of the Royal Foundation, is thought to be the biggest survey of its kind and aims to encourage a nationwide conversation on early childhood.

Kate, who has begun a 24-hour tour which will see her visit places such as Cardiff and Surrey to launch the initiative, joined a group of youngsters at an interactive attraction and chatted to health professionals, fellow parents and supporters of her project.

When the duchess arrived she said:

"I'm here today to help launch a survey to hear society's views about raising the next generation.

"Parents, carers and families are at the heart of caring for children in the formative years, so that is why I want to listen to them.

"As a parent I know how much we cherish the future health and happiness of our children.

"I want to hear the key issues affecting our families and communities so I can focus my work on where it is needed most.

"My ambition is to provide a lasting change for generations to come.''

The duchess's survey will run for a month, from January 21 to February 21, and will ask those taking the poll five questions to gauge their views about early years.

Jasmine Norris, assistant nursery manager at St Paul's Nursery in the Balsall Heath area of Birmingham, brought eight of her children to the event and chatted to the duchess.

She said: "I think early years is vital, incredibly important. I think we help the children to move on into their future education, and their lives.

"We want them to be the best they can be - we want to prepare them for life.''

David Holmes, chief executive of Family Action, which helps families in need and has Kate as its royal patron, joined the duchess at her launch event.

He said: "Every parent, carer and family wants the best for their child, and raising the profile of the vital early years in a child's life is work of national importance.

"The insight from this survey will give the early years sector valuable direction in designing and delivering services and support which reflect what matters most to people.''