Norfolk Police says they're in a "good place" on Knife Crime, after seeing a 15% fall

Officers full findings from their last seven days of work will be published early, next week

Author: Tom ClabonPublished 19th May 2024

Norfolk Police is telling us the county is in a "good place" when it comes to Knife Crime- after seeing a 15% fall in these incidents being reported, in the past year.

As a national week of intensive action by Constabulary's up and down the country against knife crime- known as Operation Sceptre- comes to an end today.

Officers full findings from their last seven days of work will be published early, next week.

"They're the blades that can cause the most damage"

Sergeant Matt Paine is from the Community Safety Operational Unit:

He told us about what they've seen so far:

"We see kitchen knives being carried for inappropriate purposes, we see young people carrying what they consider to be pen knives, (which are actually outside of the legislation), and things like machetes and Zombie Knives.

"Thankfully we haven't see any of that so far, but they're the blades that can cause the most damage".

"I think the fact that people carry knives today is a reflection on modern society, where people are falsely under the assumption that they need to carry something like like to protect themselves.

"No doubt there's an issue of peer-pressure there with the demands and pressures on young people, today.

"We need to understand the reasons why you think that carrying a knife is acceptable"

He has this message for those thinking of carrying a knife:

"Talk to us or talk to a third-party like Crimestoppers. We need to understand the reasons why you think that carrying a knife is acceptable, before there is an issue concerning that knife. Be that in regards to a violent incident or within some criminal offending that you don't want to be involved in".

What has Operation Sceptre involved?

During this week, officers have been working with Trading Standards to visit retailers, offering education and advice on the sale of knives.

In addition, to a series of patrols by the community policing team, aimed at raising wider awareness.

While, The Police's safer schools team have been offering 'Understanding Violence sessions', as well as piloting a new knife crime focussed session.

The aim of this is to increase young people’s empathy, as well as their understanding of the consequences of carrying a knife or other

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