WATCH: Pixar reveal loads of Easter eggs hidden in their short films

Who knew?!

Pixar Easter eggs
Author: Anna Sky Magliola

The eagle-eyed fans amongst you will have already noticed that many Pixar films have hidden Easter eggs - an intentional inside joke or message - but now the film production company have uploaded a video revealing LOADS of Easter eggs in their fantastic short films!

From the boy in Dante's Lunch wearing Lighting McQueen shoes, to the toilet seat in Partysaurus Rex being inspired by Sulley from Monsters, Inc., there are SO many hidden messages, or nods to other films.

Pixar Easter eggs

The three minute video was uploaded to the official YouTube channel earlier this year (2018) and connects the Pixar Universe in more ways than one. Pixar is known for blockbusters Toy Story and its most recent release Coco, however back in the 80s and 90s it made its name with short animated films such as Tin Toy. Tin Toy was a five minute film which later gained attention from Disney and was developed into Toy Story.

Unbelievably it was around a year ago that Disney first confirmed that all the Pixar films are connected with a video uploaded to Facebook. The video has since had a massive 22 million views and shows how Finding Nemo and Monsters, Inc, are connected to each other along with Toy Story and Up.

Take a look at the best films from 2017 below:

20. The Lost City Of Z

2013's The Immigrant is sadly still waiting for a UK release, so praise be to the cinematic gods that James Gray's The Lost City Of Z arrived without delay. Based on the true-life tale of British explorer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), this dense but always gripping biopic is part political drama, part family drama and part adventure.
On discovering the remnants of an indigenous society, Fawcett spent his life trying to prove his Amazonian finds until his unexplained disappearance in 1925. Containing one of the most beautiful scenes of the year, this undseen gem deserves, nay, demands your attention.

WATCH: Pixar reveal loads of Easter eggs hidden in their short films
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Pixar's latest release Coco, follows a 12-year-old boy called Miguel Rivera who is accidentally transported to the land of the dead. The film is based on the Mexican holiday of the Day of the Dead and won a whole host of awards including a Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature Film.

Watch the trailer for Coco: