Dorset carers service helps 4,000 in two years

Carer Support Dorset is celebrating its second anniversary of supporting unpaid carers across Dorset today.

Author: George SharpePublished 20th Nov 2021

Carer Support Dorset, a charity that helps unpaid carers across the county, is celebrating it's second anniversary today.

Carer Support Dorset quickly adapted to the needs of unpaid carers throughout the pandemic, using online means to offer information and training as well as a new befriending service and regular newsletters, keeping carers informed of services and support available during lockdowns.

Now, nearly 4,000 unpaid carers are signed up to Carer Support Dorset’s service and this continues to grow.

With 34% of unpaid carers feeling lonely and isolated and 66% wanting more support and recognition of their role in the last year1, Carer Support Dorset is needed now more than ever. Since 2019, Carer Support Dorset has supported thousands of unpaid carers with information on benefits, respite and other support available for carers.

Over the next year, Carer Support Dorset aims to further increase the number of carers it supports, with a particular focus on those who live in more rural areas or are looking after someone with mental health or substance misuse issues. There will also be further face-to-face training sessions available to unpaid carers. Carer Support Dorset will also be heavily involved in the Carers Dorset Festival on Thursday 25 November.

Judy Walker, Chief Executive, Carer Support Dorset comments:

“Carer Support Dorset has achieved a huge amount since its launch, especially in the last 18 months through the global pandemic.

“Unpaid carers have been working harder than ever. This is why Carer Support Dorset exists, to give carers access to the support and resources that is available to help them look after someone else.”

Cllr Peter Wharf, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health at Dorset Council said:

“Unpaid carers are a vital source of support to some of our most vulnerable residents in Dorset.

“We are proud to work with Carer Support Dorset and would like to thank them for all they have achieved so far, and for the work they continue do to ensure unpaid carers in our area are well supported and their voices are heard.”

If you think that you are a carer, please call Carer Support Dorset on 0800 368 8349 or visit to find out more.

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