Man in court charged with causing 'death by dangerous driving' of teenager

16-year-old Billy Lardner, from Christchurch, died at the scene.

Author: Ben Mitchell, PAPublished 10th Aug 2023

A 25-year-old man has appeared in court charged with causing the death by dangerous driving of a 16-year-old pedestrian in a crash near Bournemouth Airport.

Tyrone Franklin, of Newfoundland Drive, Poole, is accused in connection with the accident involving a Honda Civic and teenager Billy Lardner which happened in Parley Lane, Christchurch, Dorset, on Friday June 30.

Police and ambulance crews attended the incident but Billy, from Christchurch, died at the scene.

Franklin, who appeared by video link from HMP Winchester for the hearing at Bournemouth Crown Court, faces charges of causing death by dangerous driving, failing to stop at the scene of an accident and driving without insurance.

Judge William Mousley set a provisional trial date of February 19 2024 and remanded the defendant in custody until a further preliminary hearing to be held on November 3.

He told the defendant: "You will be back for a hearing on November 3, in the meantime, you will be remanded in custody."

Following the teenager's death, the victim's family said in a tribute released through Dorset Police: "Billy has left a hole in our heart that we will never fill, 16 years of fun, laughter and unforgettable memories.

"The best son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend, bar none."

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