Two men jailed for Bristol knife attack

21-year-old Rioul Scharschmidt and 20-year-old Romaine Mullings were charged in January 2023 following a lengthy investigation

Author: Oliver MorganPublished 10th May 2024

Two men are behind bars after an 18-year-old was stabbed in an attack in Bristol three year ago.

The 18-year-old suffered a number of wounds in the incident, which happened in Gloucester Street in Eastville at about 12.30pm back on May 22nd, 2021.

From Bristol, 21-year-old Rioul Scharschmidt and 20-year-old Romaine Mullings were charged in January 2023 following a lengthy investigation - and were later found guilty at Bristol Crown Court after a trial.

Scharschmidt, who was was convicted of wounding with intent and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place, was sentenced to five years and six months in custody for wounding with intent, with two years to run concurrently for possessing an offensive weapon.

He'll serve 44 months in custody before release on licence.

Mullings was found guilty of wounding without intent and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and was jailed for 20 months for wounding without intent and 18 months to run concurrently for possessing an offensive weapon.

In addition to this sentencing, Mullings was also handed a consecutive six months for dangerous driving and eight months for possession with intent to supply cannabis - which were separate incidents, which happened back on September 8th, 2023.

Out of his 34 month sentence, Mullings will serve 17 months before his release - which is again on licence.

Romaine Mullings was also disqualified from driving for 29 months and must take an extended test at the end of that time.

His Honour Judge Edward Burgess said he took into account the ages of the young men, who were 18 and 17 at the time.

The defence had offered mitigation for Scharschmidt that he had left school at 16 and had been the primary carer for his disabled mother at that young age, also putting back into society by volunteering for the charity Barnardos.

Mullings was only 17 at the time, had no previous convictions, and had been stabbed himself.

HHJ Burgess said both men had stabbed Dontae Davis during the incident: “Rioul Scharschmidt you stabbed him more than once and intended to cause him really serious harm. Romaine Mullings stabbed him once at least and the jury decided you didn’t mean to cause significant harm.”

He said both Mullings and Scharschmidt were in possession of knives he described as “fearsome”, while Dontae had a knife as well.

He added: “It’s a depressing feature of this case that young men like you seem to have so little regard for your lives and those of others.”

HHJ Burgess told Scharschmidt that even at the time – aged just 18 – he was not of good character.

He said Mullings, although of good character at the time of the attack, had since been convicted of possessing a machete and drug offences.

When police and ambulance crews arrived following 999 calls about the attack, they found Dontae Davis still had a knife embedded in his shoulder.

He had also been stabbed in the head, abdomen and buttock, but despite requiring hospital treatment his injuries were not life-threatening.

Scharschmidt and Mullings were arrested later that day after attending hospital for treatment to injuries of their own. Scharschmidt had a knife wound in his upper back while Mullings had injuries to his neck and arm.

Tragically, the young man who survived the attack was Dontae Davis, who died just months later after being stabbed again in October that year. His killer is serving a nine-year jail term for manslaughter.

Detective Chief Inspector Ben Lavender said: “Rioul Scharschmidt and Romaine Mullings may have thought they had got away with carrying out this brutal attack. We’re glad they are finally reaping the consequences of their decision to carry and use knives.

“Carrying a knife is not the norm, it will not keep you safe and the impact of committing this sort of crime is huge, not only for the victim and their loved ones, but for the young offenders and their families and for the wider community.

“I hope this outcome will help to bring some comfort to Dontae’s family and friends as they continue to come to terms with his loss.”

In an impact statement read to the court, Dontae’s mother Niquae described her family’s experience since his death as “heart-wrenching”.

She added: “Happiness doesn’t come into this at the moment. I would say that it’s more of a peace of mind, knowing that these offenders are off the street … I wish, for the world’s sake, that this time will have a massive impact on your life … and you will come out of this with something positive to give to society rather than the way you started.

If not, I fear for both your mothers as maybe one day if you don’t make positive choices, you will end up where Dontae is. I hope you really think on the things I am saying and taken every word to your heart.

“The choices you make run river deep as it runs through your family and the hearts of everyone you love.”

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