Arnie talks Terminator and Boris Bikes!

Published 1st Jul 2015

Watch the full interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger above.

The brand new Terminator film, Terminator Genisys is out today (1st July). It is the fifth Terminator film and the fourth to star Arnie as Terminator/T-800.

Arnie said "it feels great" to be back and he thought the script was "fantastic". He's even received a personal phone call from James Cameron (director of the iconic Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day films) saying "he had just seen the movie and he was really blown away by it".

He likened reprising his old character to "riding a bicycle, you get into it very quickly because I worked so much on the character". However he said this time it was more challenging because he added a bit of human behaviour.

Two weeks ago while Arnie was in London promoting the new film he was spotted riding a 'Boris bike', he said "I love riding the bike and you get to know the city a whole different way", he also got to do his daily work out! What a guy!

Terminator Genisys is out today (1st July) and you can watch the full trailer below »