'Exhausted' Cheryl reported to be taking a break after The X Factor

After facing lots of criticism about her weight

Published 2nd Dec 2015

It's reported that an 'exhausted' Cheryl Fernandez-Versini will take a month off after The X Factor.

According to a national newspaper she's keen to get out of the public eye, especially after receiving jibes about being 'skinny'.

She's faced numerous comments about her weight, especially after she was called a 'bag of bones' which prompted her to hit back writing that she's 'sick and tired' of bodyshamers.

There'd also been speculation that her marriage was on the rocks, though her husband Jean-Bernard dismissed the claims saying "Cheryl is my priority and nothing else."

Most recently she's said to be taking legal action and hit back at false claims after being pictured with 'white powder' which was actually just a reflection in a mirror.

A source reportedly said "Cheryl's virtually counting the hours until she can head off for a break from the constant pressure.

"She lives a healthy life - as much as is possible with her schedule - and that's nobody's business but hers.

"She also takes her status as a role model very seriously. Every day, she has literally hundreds, if not thousands of young girls confiding their deepest worries to her over social media.

"She knows they look up to her, and accepts the responsibility which comes with that.

"Cheryl sees it as a privilege. Unfortunately, the trolls don't realise the impact they have."

It's believed the singer will spend her well-deserved break with her husband in France.