Peter Andre tells how he was once held at knifepoint in a racist attack

He was in a Sydney nightclub.

Published 5th Sep 2016

In an exclusive interview with a magazine Peter Andre has recounted the time he was attacked in a Sydney nightclub.

The 'Mysterious Girl' singer, who grew up in Australia, explained how back in the 90s he and a friend were held at knifepoint in a nightclub toilet.

"We were grabbed and a knife was held to my throat in the bathroom. I was petrified."

He continued, "The guys were like 'who do you think you are?' - I thought they were going to kill me. I've had many situations like that."

The singer explained how in the 90s the area wasn't multicultural.

"Growing up there was one of the hardest experiences of my life. Most Aussies are awesome and I don't think that would happen now," he explained.

Peter and his friend escaped unhurt, but the incident left him emotionally scarred having to seek therapy.

The 43-year-old singer now lives in the UK with his wife Emily MacDonagh with whom he is expecting his second child.