Ryan Tedder is In:Demand

The OneRepublic frontman speaks to Alex James about their number 1 single and working with the likes of Adele and Beyoncé.

Published 17th Oct 2013

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The OneRepublic frontman speaks to Alex James about their number 1 single

The band reached #1 for the first time in the UK with their single Counting Stars but it's been a long time coming as they enter in to their third studio album.

Ryan said, "It feels amazing, this is the best news we've had all year. There were only two countries on Earth where our second album just didn't connect.

"We had all this success in the US, in Asia, in Europe but in the UK and Australia it was almost like the album didn't come out. Sometimes that just happens and you can't work out why - but it completely gutted us. So to have this happen with our first single here on the third album, I think is a gift for us. It's just awesome."

Ryan also talks about working with James Blunt, Beyoncé, Adele and more. Press play to hear the whole interview with Ryan. You can watch the video for Counting Stars to the right.