Victorious German Team Given Gold Beats by Dre Headphones

Naomi Campbell helps launch the new range

Published 14th Jul 2014

Fresh from getting their hands on the World Cup Trophy in Rio last night, the German football team have been given Gold Beats by Dre Headphones.

The custom Beats Pros are dipped in 24-carat gold and don’t come cheap at a whopping £269.95 each.

Every single member of the German squad, coaching and background staff are being sent their own headphones, which are designed by the same team behind Daft Punk’s iconic helmets.

However, despite the huge cost it’s only small change for Dr Dre’s $1.5billion Beats Empire.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell has teamed up with Beats By Dre to launch the bling-tastic headphones range.

She said of her shoot with photographer Ian Rankin: “Working on the Golden project with Beats by Dr. Dre was so much fun.

“The shoot was loud and energetic… I even got to practice my football skills! This was the first time I’ve had the chance to work with the legendary Rankin, so it was a dream shoot.

“The Golden project is the perfect way to celebrate the German victory and I'm glad to be a part of this campaign.”

You can check out the promotional video here:

Photo: Rankin